10-bit magnetic rotary encoder claims lowest current drain performance
The single-chip AS5050 integrates four Hall sensor elements, a 10-bit angle encoder, a smart power management controller and an easy-to-use 3- or 4-wire SPI communications interface. Housed in a small 4×4 mm QFN-16 package, the low-power encoder is the smallest device in its class. Depending on the readout rate, the current consumption is reduced to µA levels. For example, 50 µA at 10 measurements per second is typical current drain – which is claimed to be the lowest in the industry.
Only a few passive components and a magnet rotating above the chip are necessary to assemble a contactless position measurement encoder system. The AS5050 magnetic rotary encoder performs all angle calculations on chip, features on-chip automatic wake-up and power-down, and only draws current when a new measurement is requested by the host controller. The AS5050 automatically powers down as soon as a measurement is completed.
The AS5050 rotary encoder IC operates from a 3.3 V power supply over an ambient operating temperature range of -40 to +85°C.
Availability and Pricing
Sampling now, the price for the AS5050 10-bit rotary encoder is priced $ 2.84 in 1000-piece quantities.
A demonstration board for the AS5050 magnetic encoder is available.
More information about the AS5050 10-bit rotary encoder at www.austriamicrosystems.com/AS5050/Rotary-Encoder