105 degrees C ambient temperature Bluetooth 5.1 SoC

105 degrees C ambient temperature Bluetooth 5.1 SoC

By eeNews Europe

The SoC also incorporates a Bluetooth 5.1 Direction Finding-capable radio and is qualified for operation across the -40 to 105oC temperature range. The nRF52833 is built around a 64-MHz 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4 processor with FPU supported by 512 KB Flash and 128 KB RAM.

The Flash and RAM supports a dynamic multiprotocol capability for applications where concurrent Bluetooth LE and Bluetooth mesh/Thread/Zigbee support enables provisioning, commissioning, and interaction from a smartphone using Bluetooth LE.

The nRF52833’s radio is capable of all Bluetooth 5.1 Direction Finding features and the memory can support both receiver and transmitter roles for Angle-of-Arrival (AoA) and Angle-of-Departure (AoD) applications. Direction Finding enables positioning applications that not only rely on received signal strength indication (RSSI) but also the signal direction.

The nRF52833 integrates advanced features-including Full-Speed USB, High-Speed SPI, and +8dBm output power. The SoC includes up to 42 GPIOs and a range of analog and digital interfaces such as an NFC-A Tag, ADC, UART/SPI/TWI, PWM, I2S, and PDM. The device has a two-stage LDO voltage regulator and a DC-DC converter with a 1.7 to 5.5-V input supply range, allowing the nRF52833 SoC to be powered by coin-cells, rechargeable batteries, or the on-chip USB.

The nRF52833 Development Kit helps start nRF52833-based designs. The DK is a single-board development kit for Bluetooth LE, Bluetooth mesh, 802.15.4, Thread, Zigbee, and 2.4GHz proprietary applications running on the nRF52833 SoC. The DK is compatible with the Arduino Uno Rev3 standard, enabling the use of the compatible Nordic Power Profiler Kit and a wide range of third-party shields during development.

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