It offers typical gain of 23 dB and up 40% power added efficiency. The device can be operated between 5V to 9V and consumes less than 300 mA at maximum output power of 1W. The MAAP-011232 device is fully matched while operating in the 100 MHz to 1GHz frequency range and can be tuned with input matched to perform up to 3 GHz. The device is offered in a 3-mm 16-lead PQFN plastic package.
MACOM adds, “The high gain and enable function can replace the need for additional gain blocks and/or attenuators, which makes the device an ideal candidate for applications that require a small footprint and surface-mount solution.”
The table below outlines typical performance for the MAAP-011232:
Parameter |
Units |
MAAP-011232 |
Small Signal Gain |
dB |
23 |
Output Power at 1 dB Compression |
dBm |
29 |
Saturated Output Power |
dBm |
30 |
Power Added Efficiency |
% |
40 |
Reverse Isolation |
dB |
50 |
Output Third Order Intercept |
dBm |
40 |
Drain Supply Voltage |
V |
9 |
MACOM: www.macom.com