200 and 400 Gigabit Open Ethernet switch scales up data centres

200 and 400 Gigabit Open Ethernet switch scales up data centres

New Products |
By Julien Happich

Spectrum-2 provides Ethernet connectivity for up to 16 ports of 400GbE, 32 ports of 200GbE, 64 ports of 100GbE and 128 ports of 50GbE and 25GbE, and enables a rich set of enhancements, including increased flexibility and port density. The switch implements a complete set of the network protocols in the most efficient way, providing users with all the functionality needed, out-of-box. The ASIC also includes a flexible parser and packet modifier which can be programmed to process new types of future protocols, thereby future proofing the data centre.

Overall, the chip delivers 10 times better scalability and 1.3 times better power efficiency than competing solutions, claims manufacturer Mellanox Technologies. Spectrum-2 is the first 400G and 200G Ethernet switch that provides adaptive routing and load balancing while guaranteeing Zero Packet Loss and Unconditional Port Performance. These capabilities enable predictable and highest network performance. The solution also doubles data capacity while providing the lowest latency (300 nanoseconds), 1.4 times lower than alternative offerings.

Spectrum-2 also supports an extensive set of telemetry capabilities, including the latest in-band network telemetry standard, which provide operators with full visibility into their network and allow them to monitor, diagnose and analyse every aspect of operations. The Spectrum-2 SDK is available now for early-access. The Spectrum-2 switch ASIC is expected to be available later this year.

Mellanox Technologies –

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