3-mm lens high-speed PIN photodiodes in clear- and black-epoxy T1 plastic

3-mm lens high-speed PIN photodiodes in clear- and black-epoxy T1 plastic

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For infrared and visible light sources, the TEFD4300 is a clear epoxy device with a sensitivity range of 350 nm to 1120 nm. For light sources in the infrared wavelength range of 770 nm to 1070 nm, the TEFD4300F is a black epoxy device with a daylight blocking filter matched with 850 nm to 950 nm IR emitters. The photodiodes offer fast switching times down to 10 ns at low load resistor values, a low 0.1 %/K temperature coefficient of light current, temperature range of −40 °C to + 100 °C, and a 950 nm wavelength of peak sensitivity.

The devices are package matched with the VSLB3940, TSUS4300, and TSAL4400 IR emitter series. The photo detectors support lead (Pb)-free processing in accordance with RoHS 2002/95/EC and WEEE 2002/96/EC, and conform to Vishay "Green" environmental specifications.

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