3D magnetic sensor operates within ±150mT range

3D magnetic sensor operates within ±150mT range

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A digital I²C interface enables fast and bidirectional communication between sensor and microcontroller. The TLV493D-A1B6 suits consumer and industrial applications such as joysticks, control elements used in white goods such as multi-function knobs, and electric meters where the 3D magnetic sensor helps to protect against tampering.

Using lateral hall plates for the z direction and vertical Hall plates for the x and y direction of the magnetic field, the sensor can be used in a large magnetic field range of ±50mT for all three dimensions. This allows measuring and covering a long magnet movement. The large operation scale also makes the magnet circuit design easy, robust and flexible.

The IC provides 12-bit data resolution for each measurement direction or 0.098mT per bit (LSB) so that even the smallest magnet movements can be measured. In “Power Down mode,” the sensor only requires 7 nano Ampere of supply current.
To perform magnetic measurements, the sensor can be set in one of five different power modes. In “Ultra Low Power Mode,” for example, the sensor performs a magnetic measurement every 100 milliseconds (10Hz) resulting in a current consumption of 10µAmpere.

The time between measurement cycles can be set flexibly allowing system specific solutions. Using the sensor with continuous measurements, the maximum power consumption is only 3.7mAmpere. Also, the power modes can be changed during operation.

Engineering samples of the TLV493D-A1B6 are available as of July 2015 with volume production expected to start in January 2016.

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