3D physical simulation tools provide superior FinFet predictability
Semiconductor technology has reached a significant technology crossroads; one were the usually-dependable "Moore’s Law" provides scant guidance. Scaling continues to charge forward, with 20nm device production expected this year and 14nm device production anticipated sometime in 2014. As the industry fast approaches the 10nm, some real basic choices have to be made. Those choices go to the very basics of semiconductor design and manufacturing and, scarily, those choices need be addressed immediately. In other words, the future is now.
Here’s what’s happening. On one hand, both fully depleted Silicon on Insulator (SOI) and multi-gate MOSFETs have demonstrated superior electrostatic integrity, tolerance to low channel doping and are considered competing successors to today’s classic process technologies. At the same time 22nm, 20nm and 14nm FinFET technologies appear to be the processes du jour for leading semiconductor device and foundry companies. Clearly some critical decisions will have to be made and made soon.
So where to start? One obvious observation is that device analysis and simulation should play an important task in sorting through short term and longer term options. But questions raised by the R&D community challenge the assumption that simulation technology is up to the task.
Simulation’s important role
No doubt, device simulation, analysis and optimization must play an important role. But significantly, more sophisticated methodologies must be built into current approaches, particularly when it comes to providing predictive simulations for 3D transistor structures.
Today, drift diffusion is the most commonly used simulation approach in commercial EDA tools. While it has proven highly effective in meeting most of today’s design challenges, the drift diffusion approach has failed to deliver predictive simulations of contemporary FinFETs with deca-nanometer channel lengths. The primary culprit is non-equilibrium, quasiballistic transport exacerbated by strained materials and channel orientation in the FinFet transistor that enhance transport and drive current. A near term solution to this dilemma appears unlikely, so a number of other simulation approaches are undergoing serious and detailed consideration.
One of the most promising, and so far one of the most practical approaches, is 3D Monte Carlo device simulation. In fact, 3D Monte Carlo simulation might prove to be both a short term and long term superior alternative. Monte Carlo device simulations have proven capable of resolving both non-equilibrium transport effects and the impact of orientation and strain on the band structure transport parameters and device performance. As a result, 3D Monte Carlo simulation has proven a fully reliable means to investigate device behavior early in the design stage.
So why hasn’t 3D Monte Carlo simulation found a home in contemporary EDA design practices? The answer lies in the fact that complexity and the computational cost of the 3D Monte Carlo have proven somewhat of a downside which until now has limited its widespread utilization. However, as the research that follows shows, it is becoming increasingly more obvious that the relentless march of scaling is trumping costs concerns and that 3D Monte Carlo simulation should soon be finding its way into more and more commercial application.
Study Parameters
For this research, the Drift Diffusion approach was implemented using a 3D quantum corrected simulations performed with the Drift Diffusion module incorporated in the Gold Standard Simulations’ (GSS) GARAND physical simulation tool using a standard silicon mobility model. GARAND is a statistical 3D ‘atomistic’ simulator that specializes in simulation of statistical variability and reliability in current and future CMOS transistors. GARAND interfaces to both a common GSS database and the GSS cluster simulation engine.
The simulator’s 3D Monte Carlo module employs self-consistent quantum corrections based on the density gradient (DG) approximation using the corresponding DG quantum potential as a driving force for the electrons. Non-parabolic approximation to the silicon conduction was adopted for the simulation of the electron transport in the reported n-channel FinFETs. The standard f-type and g-type phonon model was calibrated to experimental bulk velocity-field data.
The simulations of the ID-VG transistor characteristics were carried out at VDD=0.05V and VDD=VDS=0.90V for each of the five devices. Variability sources were introduced automatically through command lines of the GARAND input language. GARAND’s visualization modules are based on Paraview and include graphing, statistical and 3D modules.
The GARAND tool was used in this research because it is the only commercial physical simulation tool that provides both a Drift Diffusion approach and 3D Monte Carlo approach. It is also the only commercial tool that offers a ‘true’ 3D ensemble Monte Carlo simulation module that has consistently demonstrated accurate quantum corrections.
The simulated devices are based on an initial 20nm gate length SOI FinFET. The fin width and fin height are 10nm and 25nm respectively. The equivalent oxide thickness of the high-k/metal gate stack is 0.8-nanomeners (nm). The top of the conducting fin is insulated from the gate by a thicker layer of silicon nitride. The channel length of this initial transistor was scaled further to 19nm, 18nm, 17nm and 16nm. No other design parameters were altered during the physical gate length scaling.
The simulation was conducted at the worst temperature corner of 358K since these devices were designed for SRAM applications.
Drift diffusion and 3D Monte Carlo comparisons
Better predictive results were delivered through a 3D Monte Carlo approach, as demonstrated in Figure 1. This figure shows a comparison of a typical electron equiconcentration surface through the fin obtained from Drift Diffusion and Monte Carlo simulations at VDD=0.90V and VDS=0.90V. The two conducting channels are clearly visible.
Figure 1: Typical electron equi-concentration surface through a device fin from quantum corrected DD (top) and MC (bottom) simulation. The self-consistent potential together with potential contours are overlaid on the surface.
The quantum confinement effect in both cases shifts in the maximum of the electron distribution away from the Fin interfaces. The slight difference in the shapes of the equi-concentration contours arises from the differences in carrier velocity between the Drift Diffusion and Monte Carl simulations, and is linked to the current continuity requirements. Also, the discrete nature of the particles within Monte Carlo simulations introduces slight noise, despite time averaging. The resulting on-current variation as a function of gate length is plotted in Figure 2.
Figure 2: On-current vs. gate length results from DD simulation before and after calibration to MC simulation at LG=20nm. Excellent agreement is subsequently seen over all gate lengths.
As expected, the Monte Carlo simulations provide significantly greater on-current compared with Drift Diffusion simulations when the standard silicon saturation velocity is used. In both cases, an increase in on-current with reduction of gate length is observed. The variation is greater in the Monte Carlo simulation than in the Drift Diffusion simulations.
The Monte Carlo simulation results at identical leakage current are closely to the reported drive current of 1200 mA/mm for similar SOI FinFETs while the Drift Diffusion simulation underestimate the on current by more than 30% at 20 nm. Monte Carlo simulation yields a greater on-current as a result of non-equilibrium transport leading to a greater injection velocity compared to the corresponding Drift Diffusion velocity that cannot exceed the default silicon saturation velocity.
Evaluating advanced technology
The real importance of Monte Carlo simulation will grow exponentially as evaluating the scaling performance and the impact of new channel materials in the next generation transistors becomes more and more of an imperative. Ensemble Monte Carlo simulations are the only means for predictive simulations of the performance of contemporary and future CMOS transistors in the presence of non-equilibrium near-ballistic transport.
As an alternative the Monte Carlo simulations can be used to calibrate the computationally more efficient DD simulations that can be applied in comprehensive process sensitivity and statistical variability analysis and in the development of PDKs. This calibration may also be expected to hold over a useful range in the device design parameter space.
Figure 3: Carrier velocity from source to drain from MC (solid lines) and DD (dashed lines) simulation of a series of scaled FinFETs. DD results are plotted both using default mobility model parameters, and mobility calibrated to MC simulation.
This article has clearly demonstrated that accurate 3D Monte Carlo simulations are needed in order to reliably predict the performance of contemporary deca-nanometer scale FinFETs. Drift diffusion simulation with default mobility models, operating within the limits of the local equilibrium approximation fail to accurately predict the corresponding FinFET performance. That said, it is also possible that quantum corrected Monte Carlo simulations can be used as a benchmark in the calibration of the more computationally efficient DD simulations, and this calibration may be expected to hold over a useful range in the device design parameter space.
About the author
Dr. Asen Asenov (FIEEE, FRSE) is a founder and CEO of Gold Standard Simulations (GSS) Ltd., As a James Watt Professor in Electrical Engineering and Leader of the 30 member Glasgow Device Modelling Group in the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at the University of Glasgow, Dr. Asenov directs the development of 2D and 3D quantum mechanical, Monte Carlo and classical device simulators and their application in the design of advanced and novel CMOS devices. Prior to his current academic and business responsibilities, he headed the Process and Device Modelling Group in the Institute of Microelectronics, Sofia, Bulgaria and was a Visiting Professor at the Physics Department of The Technical University of Munich, Germany. He has more than 6,250 publications.