3D printed 3Ah solid state lithium metal battery cell heads for production
The first generation Sakuú solid state battery (SSB) technology uses the KeraCel additive manufacturing technology to print 30 sub-cells with lithium metal and a proprietary printed ceramic separator. The battery has been designed to use current industry standard cathode materials and can support cathodes with a higher voltage cathodes in the future that could yield up to 25 percent more energy in the same cell size.
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The SSBs are aimed at consumer, aerospace, and mobility applications, given its advantages in safety and energy density. Sakuú aims to ship samples to its strategic partners in the late third quarter and its early access partners in the fourth quarter of this year.
“We developed this first generation of SSB’s to prove the viability of our battery technology in anticipation of the Sakuú 1000 advanced AM platform,” said Robert Bagheri, CEO and Founder, Sakuú, formerly KeraCel. The company has raised $16.3m from investors led by Musashi Seimitsu Industry, a global automotive Tier1 company based in Toyohashi, Japan.
“Over the last year, we have improved our battery energy capacity by a factor of 100 and our volumetric energy efficiency over 12 times and are planning to begin volume production of the batteries in early 2022 to meet the needs of our strategic partners,” said Bagheri.
The Sakuú AM platform is a multi-material, multi-process AM platfrom for high volume production that can also be used for aerospace and automotive, consumer electronics, IoT and medical applications. The AM platform will be launched later this year.
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