3kW half -brick buck-boost DC-DC converter has 98 percent efficiency      

3kW half -brick buck-boost DC-DC converter has 98 percent efficiency      

New Products |
By Nick Flaherty

Recom has launched a 3kW buck-boost high-efficiency DC-DC converter in a half-brick baseplate-cooled package.  

The RBBA3000 buck-boost, non-isolated, DC-DC converter features a maximum of 3kW of output power rating in a industry-standard half brick baseplate-cooled package. It is aimed at applications 48V to 24V or 12V to 24V battery power conversion applications, inlcuding electric vehicle voltage regulators and battery voltage stabilisers as well as high power laboratory DC power supplies.

The input range is 9-60VDC and the output voltage and maximum current can be user-programmed from 0-60VDC and 0-50A respectively. Programming can be via a single resistor or by an externally applied voltage.

The buck-boost topology allows the output voltage to be set lower or higher than the input voltage. With its 98 percent conversion efficiency, the RBBA3000  provides a full power over an operating temperature of -40 up to +85°C when appropriately cooled.

The load current can be monitored from a current share pin which can also be used to parallel two modules to provide up to 100A output with active load balancing. The converter complies with EMC standard EN55024 and also EN 55032 class A and B with an external filter.

“The RECOM RBBA3000 has a great combination of high efficiency, power density and functionality,” said Steve Roberts, CTO of Recom. “It’s also backed by our two-year warranty.”

Samples and OEM pricing are available from all authorized distributors or directly from RECOM.

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