4.5-kV IGBT modules boost energy efficiency and reduce switching losses

4.5-kV IGBT modules boost energy efficiency and reduce switching losses

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By eeNews Europe

Thanks to the elevated current density of modules incorporating IGBT3/EC3 chips, more power can be transmitted and higher output can be achieved without altering the existing design or needing a more powerful cooling.

The new 4.5 kV IHV modules combine the tried-and-tested TrenchSTOP and FieldSTOP technology and complement the modules Infineon already supplies in the 3300 and 6500 volt ranges. While the FieldSTOP structure within the power semiconductor ensures a significant reduction in switching losses, the TrenchSTOP cell minimizes on-state power losses because of its low saturation voltage. This results in lower losses and reduced cooling requirements, which ultimately decreases the system costs. The advantages of the TrenchSTOP technology family furthermore include good ruggedness and short circuit behavior, increased reliability and low electromagnetic interference (EMI).

Infineon will launch the 4.5 kV IHV modules for IGBT3/EC3 in two housing versions: initially in the IHM-B housing, the successor of the proven IHM-A module with a storage temperature down to minus 55°C and an operating temperature up to 150°C, and secondly in the highly insulated 6.5 kV module housing. With an insulation voltage of 10.2 kV, the module provides the clearance and creepage distances required particularly in traction applications.

Samples for 4500 V IGBT3/EC3 in the IHV-B housing will be available from the end of 2011 and in the 6.5 kV housing from mid-2012.

Infineon Technologies will be presenting the new 4500 V IGBT modules at the PCIM Europe 2011 trade show (May 17 to 19, 2011) in Nuremberg, Hall 12, Booth 404.

More information about Infineon’s IGBT3/EC3 chips at

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