4-ch, 24-GHz downconverter for multichannel, beamforming receivers

4-ch, 24-GHz downconverter for multichannel, beamforming receivers

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The integrated multi-channel receiver downconverter achieves a 10-dB noise figure that is 3 dB better than competing devices, while using 50% less power, and is assembled in a small, cost-effective 5 × 5 mm LFCSP plastic package. Each of the device’s four on-chip receive channels use a simple, single-ended connection to four individual antennas, which simplifies RF-transmission-line design and PCB layout, and reduces board size. The receiver downconverter then simultaneously handles four receive signals directly to produce a high-quality, high-amplitude baseband signal that connects to one of ADI’s four-channel analogue-to-digital converters. The ADF5904 also incorporates an integrated temperature sensor that eliminates the need for discrete sensing components that otherwise can require additional time and resources to calibrate during system assembly and test.

The ADF5904 is designed for multi-channel receiver, high-frequency applications that use digital beam forming, such as automotive ADAS, microwave radar sensors, and industrial radar systems – environments where energy efficiency is becoming a more important system-level design consideration. The ADF5904 24-GHz receiver enables these and other sensor applications by offering best-available receive sensitivity while using less overall power than competing RF technologies.

Features include;

· 4 receive channels

· Rx channel gain: 22 dB

· Noise figure: 10 dB

· P1db: -10 dBm

· Power consumption: 0.5mW – all 4 channels powered on

· LO input range: -8 dBm to +5 dBm

· Rx to IF isolation: 30 dB

· RF signal bandwidth: 250 MHz

· On-chip temperature sensor with analogue output: ±5°

The devices will be priced at $22.50 (1000) and an evaluation board, EV-ADF5904SD2Z, is $400.

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