4 to 18 GHz RF synthesizer features -130 dBc/Hz phase noise

4 to 18 GHz RF synthesizer features -130 dBc/Hz phase noise

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By eeNews Europe

With -132 dBc/Hz at 10 GHz carrier and 20 kHz offset, the LNS-18 is designed to test the most advanced components and systems for demanding applications in military and aerospace applications.

Optional level control, pulse modulation, GPIB, and low frequency extension down to 8 MHz using ultra-low noise frequency dividers (-165 dBc/Hz) are available in addition to Ethernet and EFC input. The LNS-18 has an output frequency of 4 to 18 GHz (with option for 8 MHz minimum), an output level of +13 dBm (±2 dB), and non-harmonic spurious below -50 dBc from 1 Hz to 1 kHz offset and below -80 dBc above 1 kHz offset.

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