40A µModule regulator with, 88% efficiency, 0% derating at 85°C, and 40°C rise

40A µModule regulator with, 88% efficiency, 0% derating at 85°C, and 40°C rise

Technology News |
By Jean-Pierre Joosting

The LTM4636 can deliver 40W (12VIN, 1VOUT, 40A, 200LFM) with only 40°C rise over the ambient temperature. Full-power 40W is delivered up to 83°C ambient and half-power 20W is supported at 110°C ambient.

The LTM4636 operates at 92%, 90% and 88% efficiency delivering 15A, 30A and 40A, respectively, to a 1V load (12VIN). The µModule regulator is scalable where four LTM4636s in current sharing mode deliver 160W with only 40°C rise and 88% efficiency (12VIN, 1VOUT, 400LFM).

For more, see the video.

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