64-bit multi-cluster CPU IP is ISO 26262 & IEC 61508 compliant
The core was certified by Resiltech, a leader in certification of safety-related products for automotive and industrial applications.
“Unlike ‘ASIL B/D ready’ solutions, the MIPS I6500-F has been developed as a SEooC, based on ASIL B [D] decomposition, for items targeting ASIL D automotive applications and delivers both safety and performance, an essential combination for extremely high system efficiency, scalable computing and compute-intensive tasks,” explains David Lau, MIPS’ Vice President of Engineering.
“The I6500-F is one of a new class of MIPS CPUs designed to ‘FortifAI’ next-generation intelligent applications. This ASIL B (D) SEooCs certification helps our customers significantly de-risk and accelerate certification at the SoC level.”
The MIPS I6500-F addresses the critical FuSa requirements for a wide range of automotive Human Machine Interface and ADAS/autonomous vehicle applications. These include speech and gesture recognition, eye tracking, driver monitoring, virtual assistance, and natural language interfaces, as well as camera-based machine vision, radar-based detection units, driver condition evaluation and sensor fusion ECUs.
The MIPS I6500-F comes with a complete safety package, including all the required safety cases, quantitative safety analysis based on FMEDA, and safety analysis report summarizing the FMEDA analysis results and functional safety audit for addressing requirements for systematic failures.
MIPS – www.mips.com