7 and 12MHz direct digital synthesis sweep function generators

7 and 12MHz direct digital synthesis sweep function generators

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By eeNews Europe

Models 4007B and 4013B can generate sine and square waveforms from 0.1Hz to 7MHz and 0.1Hz to 12MHz respectively. Both models also output triangle/ramp waveforms from 0.1Hz to 1MHz and provide variable output voltages from 0 to 10 Vpp into 50 ohms or 20 Vpp into open circuit. Bright, informative LCD displays and numerical keypad allow for a simple entry of waveform parameters. Convenient waveform and range selection buttons are provided to make adjustments quick and simple. Users can also easily navigate through the intuitive LCD display with menu function keys.

Additionally, the instruments provide linear and logarithmic sweep functions, variable DC offset from -4.5 V to 4.5 V (into 50 ohms), and adjustable 20% to 80% duty cycle up to 1MHz for square and triangle waveform output. Backed by a standard 3-year warranty, models 4007B and 4013B have built-in overvoltage protection (OVP), overcurrent protection (OCP), and short circuit protection on the main output to prevent accidental damage to the instrument.

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