8-Bit MCU handles CAN FD messaging
The PIC18-Q84 series provides a simple solution for transferring sensor data to a CAN-FD bus without the need for gateways or sophisticated network switching techniques. In addition, configurable CIP allows the creation of custom hardware-based functions for automotive and industrial designs with near-zero latency. No additional code is required. Available peripherals include a 32-bit cyclic redundancy check with scan (CRC/SCAN), a Windowed Watchdog Timer (WWDT) for functional safety and an industry standard JTAG (Joint Test Action Group) interface for testing and debugging.
Microchip provides developers with a range of tools for the PIC18-Q84 MCUs, including a Curiosity Nano Development Board and a Curiosity High Pin Count (HPC) Development Board. A plug-in module (PIM) is also available for the automotive networking development board and for use with Microchip development boards. The software includes Microchip’s MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC).
More information: https://www.microchip.com/design-centers/8-bit/pic-mcus/device-selection/pic18-q84-product-family