8-bit microcontrollers with embedded flash memory

8-bit microcontrollers with embedded flash memory

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By eeNews Europe

In addition to being used as a main microcontroller unit, the new MB95F430 series is also well suited as a sub-controller due to its various powerful peripherals, including several 8- and 16-bit timers, 17 channels of 10-bit ADC, PWM, I2C and USART serial communication modules and many more. The on-chip high precision RC oscillator and a low-voltage detection circuit help to reduce BOM cost, while the Dual Operation Flash memory with up to 100,000 erase cycles and 20-year data retention negate the need for external E2PROM.

The on-chip debug module with single-wire interface, speeds-up software development using the Softune Integrated Development Environment – Fujitsu’s fully-featured tool chain for F2MC-8FX family MCUs. The product series currently comprises six devices and is available in mass production. It comes in 32-pin LQFP packages, with memory ranging from 8KB flash / 240B RAM to 20KB flash / 496B RAM.

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