A magnetically levitated hammer for customizable haptics
The startup, originally a team of engineers doing research and development for Canadian company Nano Magnetics involved in the design and distribution of magnet-based toys, was spun out in 2015 shortly after it had figured out how to design a magnetic connector capable of transferring USB data as well as power. Moving to the Silicon Valley nearer to its potential customer base and renamed Nanoport Technology Inc., the startup demonstrated various use cases for its magnetic connectors.

enabling content to flow across multiple screens.
One in particular includes the extensive use of software to operate snap-on hinge assemblies as smart connectors that enable collaborative apps across multiple smartphone displays, or content flowing across a larger display area.
But while patents were applied for this IP and potential customers could experiment with Nanoports, the company also pursued a more readily accessible market, that of gaming consoles and VR headsets where volumes are considerably lower and for which haptics provide an increased level of immersion.

the haptic device.
Addressing this market, the company demonstrated the TacHammer back in 2017, described as a new class of Linear Magnetic Ram (LMR) based haptic actuators combining a balanced magnetic array and an impact mechanism. In effect, the device integrates a magnetically levitated “hammer” that can be controlled to oscillate at varying amplitudes (for soft vibrations) but also to hit one end of the casing (at different frequencies) for sharp clicks and textures. The cylindrical ‘Carlton’ haptic actuator just announced by the company is already a second generation unit. Designed modularly, it lets developers fine-tune the sharpness of clicks and jolts (with different cap materials) and adjust the travel length of the hammer (with spacers) to customize its operating frequencies, response time, power and efficiency.
eeNews caught up with Nanoport’s CEO Tim Szeto to learn more about the distinctive features of this new haptic actuator, soon evocating German startup Lofelt GmbH providing similarly sized haptics for immersive audio, gaming controllers and VR headset.

“The mechanism of our haptic solution is very different from the linear resonant actuator design they use” was quick to highlight Szeto. “As well as the use of impact for high-g effects, there is no spring in our design, the moving mass is suspended by magnetic fields. It floats frictionless and we use coils to accelerate the mass, allowing impacts in one direction only” the CEO explained.
Although the new haptic actuator concept was originally designed in the lab for the mobile phone market, it was then scaled up for use in gaming controllers where the demand for low frequency high fidelity haptics is high.
“The level of readiness and production volumes required for the mobile market are very different from the gaming market and it was a smarter move from a risk perspective”, admitted the CEO.
Moving into the gaming market first is one way of ramping up the technology progressively, making sure the company controls all the aspects of manufacturing and reliability testing before tackling the large volumes necessary before considering any smartphone integration, Szeto explained.
Comparing the TacHammer with other haptic solutions such as eccentric rotating mass (ERM) vibration motors, coil- and spring-based linear resonant actuators (LRA) or even piezoelectric actuators, the company highlighted again the high g-force output (up to 23.7 g for the Carlton) thanks to a robust impact mechanism, combined with what it claims to be the widest frequency response available in haptics, ranging from single-digit Hertz values to 300Hz.
Describing the force curve profile of the actuator, Kyle Skippon in charge of mechanical engineering at Nanoport Technology explained that while traditional mode LRAs or ERMs had more of a sinusoid, the impact side gave off a sharp curve akin to high frequency piezoelectric actuators.
“While the sharp impact profile can be used to create textures, it can be combined with softer more rounded vibrations to create sophisticated haptics. These aspects really set our technology apart and the two combined provide a large library of effects” he said.
Skippon gave as an example a virtual side-button implemented in a demonstration platform, with the exact feel of a radio cassette player mechanical button.

customizable units, assorted impact materials and
stackable spacers.
“When people squeeze the device, they feel a movement on the side of the device and get the mechanical click” he said. Another example more suited to gaming, the haptic actuator could simulate the reload click of a shotgun. For higher impacts, the hammer inside the actuator can be driven away from the impact side (with a short pulse) to increase travel distance just before a high intensity hit pulse.
Together with the TacHammer Carlton, the company has released a TacHammer Developer Kit complete with customizable units, assorted impact materials and stackable spacers for customizing the impact feel and the travel distance of the hammer. This with software and sample code enables developers to tune and create their own signature haptic feels.
From a vast library of effects, the 34mm-long 15mm-diameter TacHammer can produce: sharp haptics such as snaps, jolts, and clicks that mimic the sensation of a physical button press; soft magnetically dampened impulses to emulate pulses, taps, and bumps; and plain vibrations ranging from a light wobble to intense vibrations. The device respond to simple drive signals, LRA signals, and audio signals for broad compatibility.
Discussing energy efficiency, which is a serious constraint in mobiles, Skippon emphasized that since there is no spring in the design, the actuator is extremely energy efficient, with a non-linear force curve. ”When we energize the coil, all the energy is translated into linear motion, there is no force to counter. We achieve an order of magnitude more g’s per watt than other haptics” Skippon said. Operating from 5V, the specs on Nanoport’s website indicate the device draws an RMS current of 56.0mA at peak g.
Although it has raised 10 million dollars so far, the startup is still looking for partners strategically aligned with its IP offering, striving to expand its hardware offering to enable more immersive content and novel user interfaces.
Nanoport Technology Inc. – https://nanoport.io/
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