Active clamp flyback controllers for 33W and 65W AC-DC power supply designs

Active clamp flyback controllers for 33W and 65W AC-DC power supply designs

New Products |
By Nick Flaherty

Silanna Semiconductor has launched two fully integrated active clamp flyback (ACF) controllers for AC-DC power adapters.

The SZ1101 33W controller is aimed at mobile phone travel adapters, while the SZ1105 65W controller is for notebooks, video game consoles, and multi-port wall chargers, both with USB-PD 3.0 outputs.

The flyback PWM controllers combine an adaptive digital ACF controller with an active clamp MOSFET, an active clamp FET driver and a startup voltage regulator. This integration reduces the size and cost of AC-DC power supply designs with an efficiency of 94 percent and a margin of over 6dB margin for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) with a power density of 25W/in3.

“Silanna is excited with the full production release of these parts and is looking forward to the adoption from the many customers currently in design,” said Mark Drucker, CEO of Silanna Semiconductor. “Our customers are achieving extremely high power densities by overcoming the thermal challenges of packing increasing amounts of power into today’s slim, compact power adapters.”

“Silanna’s all-Silicon design combines the simplicity of traditional flyback controllers with the efficiency and power density enabled by ACF controllers,” said Ahsan Zaman, director of marketing at Silanna. “The SZ1101 and SZ1105 reduce BOM cost not only by integrating the ACF circuit but also by enabling designers to use a lower-cost transformer, SR FET, clamp capacitor, and input filter. Our proprietary OptiMode control maximizes performance on a cycle-by-cycle basis, giving the best performance under all operating conditions.”

Hiccup (02) and latched (03) mode versions are available immediately for both the 33W SZ1101 and the 65W SZ1105, and all parts feature the industry-standard 16-pin SOIC package. 10K-piece pricing is $1.06 for the SZ1101, and $1.22 for the SZ1105. USB-PD EVBs are also available.

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