Adafruit adds Helium LPWAN IoT integration

Adafruit adds Helium LPWAN IoT integration

Technology News |
By Nick Flaherty

Open source hardware developer Adafruit has added integrated support for the Helium peer-to-peer low power network (LPWAN) for the Internet of Things (IoT)

“At Helium, we’re big fans of Limor Fried and Adafruit Industries which is why we’re excited to highlight the latest Helium Console pre-built integration for the Adafruit IO platform,” said Dal Gemmell at Helium.

The pre-built integration accelerates the development process for Adafruit users to start using what Helium says is the world’s largest, public IoT network.

Helium is a peer-to-peer network based around the sub-GHz band with a range of several kilometres and data rates of 100kbit/s. It uses a cryptocurrency to allow multiple data streams to be hosted by an access point, using a WiFi link or cable to feed back into the Internet. A recent upgrade to support the LoRaWAN protocol last year boosted the number of peripherals that could access the network.

There are multiple examples of the network being used in the IoT, from global air quality monitoring by Airly in Poland to monitoring parking places with Nobel Systems in the US. Individuals can also buy an access point built by RAK Wireless for €299 in Europe at 868MHz to host part of the network 

Console allows users to set up an Adafruit IO integration in minutes and see data from compatible sensors appear on Adafruit IO via The People’s Network.

Device data appears as Adafruit IO Feeds via The People’s Network. With a Console Label this Adafruit IO Integration can now be applied to 10’s, 100’s or 1000’s of devices.;

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