Advanced semi design services tie-up targets emerging applications

Advanced semi design services tie-up targets emerging applications

Business news |
By Rich Pell

Intrinsix has many years experiencing serving advanced technology markets including aerospace, defense, rad-hard, biomedical, and IoT. The agreement will provide design support for carbon nanotube-based 3DSoC and related integrated circuit architectures.

“By partnering with Intrinsix, we strengthen our design enablement ecosystem, offering silicon-proven services and IP which provide a wider range of complete solutions to our customers in several of today’s emerging markets. Additionally, their long track record and DMEA Trusted Accreditation aligns well with our focus on supporting mil/aero programs and customers designing in IP sensitive industries,” said Rick Harding, vice president of sales and marketing at SkyWater, in a statement.

Intrinsix has contributed to SkyWater’s multi project wafer (MPW) FastShuttle Program for 90nm and 130nm process flows and the Intrinsix-SkyWater relationship is also expanding its scope to develop physical design kits for a carbon nanotube based 3DSoC technology platform.

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