Human or AI? AI-generated Text Detector will find out
AI-generated text detector showcasing unprecedented reliability with both ChatGPT and YouChat
While all the big companies, like openAI and Google, are launching their generative AI bots, the call for a reality check is growing – the old Turing test is getting more and more actuality.
French company Compilatio is addressing the growing concerns regarding the misuse of generative AI in education. Providing anti-plagiarism technologies to leading European universities, it just released a free, user-friendly AI detector. Preliminary tests show a 90% accuracy in attributing texts to either humans or artificial intelligence.
The detector works in several languages and reliably identifies content produced by ChatGPT as well as YouChat. Free for everyone to use and tinker with, it will serve as a testing platform for an upcoming commercial product.
“What sets our detector apart is how it accurately identifies not only AI-generated texts but also human-generated texts,” says Frédéric Agnès, CEO of Compilatio. “Most current systems are decent at identifying humans, but they also tend to misattribute AI-generated texts to humans, which somewhat defeats their purpose.”
“AIs are designed to produce contents that are as predictable as possible, following a principle akin to the word suggestions on your phone when you type an sms,” says Agnès. “These predictable answers result in a predictable vocabulary and syntax, which is precisely what our detector picks up.”
Compilatio AI detector: