The company’s first product, StableGuard, is a 24/7 video equine monitoring and alert solution that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to alert owners of premium horses and stables of changes in the wellness of their horses. Using cameras in every horse’s stall, the platform can track activities, horse behavior, and wellness information over time.

According to the company, in the U.S. there are over nine million horses with an estimated market size of $39 billion annually. More than 10% of these horses will need emergency care each year. Early detection, says the company, has the potential to make a significant improvement in the resolution of these emergencies.

The seed investment round was led by angel investor, equine enthusiast, and technologist, Vani Khosla. Vani will also be joining the team as a board director and strategic adviser.

“We are very excited to secure Vani’s support,” says Alexa Anthony, CEO of Magic AI. “Both as an investor and as a close advisor. Her knowledge and passion for the equine community made this a perfect fit for StableGuard and the vision of the company.”

Vani Khosla adds, “This is such a great use of the current technology advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence. I am very excited about how far this platform can go to improve the health and wellness of horses, and potentially improve performance and reduce costs.”

Magic AI’s platform uses a hybrid neural network consisting of both standard convolutional layers as well as an “innovative, state-of-the art scattering transformer.” This system, says the company, enables the intelligent processing of natural images and generates extremely accurate predictions of behavior with a limited – and therefore cost effective – data set.

Magic AI was founded in June, 2017 and launched StableGuard in October of the same year. The company says its focus is not on building general-purpose AI, but on “nonverbal forms of data and communication related to humans and animals.”

Magic AI

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