AIR DRUID for medical swarming drone deliveries

AIR DRUID for medical swarming drone deliveries

Technology News |
By Nick Flaherty

Blue Bear Systems in the UK has launched a medical delivery programme using swarms of autonomous drones from different manufacturers.

The Autonomous Intelligent Robotic DRones for Unmanned Integrated Delivery System (AIR DRUIDS) uses Blue Bear’s swarming drone control system.

Initially, the control technology will be tailored to medical logistics delivery of critical items such as blood samples, swabs, blood, plasma and other key medical items. This could be between hospitals, GP surgeries, remote field stations, or emergency delivery to an accident location, and the swarming control system will be able to run a medical logistics flight control hub, tasking, scheduling and monitoring large numbers of drones in real time.

The integration of the medical payload into the existing modular open architecture provides real time payload monitoring ensuring viability and integrity of the payload contents. The open architecture will enable other companies to produce task tailored payloads which can be easily integrated into Blue Bears overall system.

The flexible system design also allows drones from any manufacturer to be utilised, as Air Druids is platform-agnostic, the same system can also be tailored to power drone based logistics networks.

The first phase project, backed by the UK government’s Future Flight initiative, will see Beyond Visual Line Of Sight (BVLOS) delivery demonstrations.

“We have been working on our world leading swarming drone control and logistics system for several years, and it is now flight proven with up to 20 different drones. This next step will see us adapting the core system and producing medical specific payloads and software applications to demonstrate the capability for critical medical logistics delivery,” said Ian Williams-Wynn, managing director of Blue Bear Systems.

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