Anders Display Division become andersDX to focus on display-based interfaces

Anders Display Division become andersDX to focus on display-based interfaces

Business news |
By eeNews Europe

The launch of andersDX brings together core competencies leveraging over thirty years experience in designing, supplying and supporting display-based applications and new design and consultancy services in areas such as usability, graphical user interface (GUI) design & development and industrial design.

This combination of skills, technologies, expertise and experience allows the company to take a ‘holistic’ approach to user experience; encompassing both the traditional technical and engineering aspects of interface design as well as the behavioural, psychological, cognitive and environmental factors that impact user experience and product usability.

“The evolution of Anders’ business supports the trend for industrial, medical and other non-consumer applications to provide the look-and-feel and intuitive usability that users have come to expect from mobile phones, tablet PCs and other consumer products,” says Rob Anders, CEO, Anders Electronics plc.

“Embracing the methodologies of interaction design (IxD) and launched with the tagline ‘interfaces to inspire’, andersDX differentiates from ‘commodity’ competitors and underlines our commitment to bringing products to life by making them enjoyable and easy to use.”

The core competencies on which andersDX is built include technologies, engineering and support services that cover displays, embedded computing, input-technology, GUI design & development and Industrial design all underpinned by a dedication to usability.

In the coming months andersDX plans to launch a wide range of new products and services to help OEMs deliver user interfaces that optimise the user experience. These will include a new family of off-the-shelf embedded display platforms, and custom design capabilities that allow industrial and medical device manufacturers to bring the ‘look and feel’ of consumer products to their touchscreen applications.

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