ANSI plans exploratory meeting for energy efficiency standards panel to support clean energy economy

ANSI plans exploratory meeting for energy efficiency standards panel to support clean energy economy

Technology News |
By eeNews Europe

Energy efficiency forms a core component of the USA’s sustainable energy policy to promote energy security, a cleaner environment, and spur job creation and innovation. Consumers, the government, and industry alike are sounding the call for energy efficient technologies and programs to support America’s clean energy future.

Over the next ten years, energy efficiency efforts are expected to grow, with a significant number of diverse initiatives already underway in the public and private sectors. The April 25 meeting will help define the scope and areas of focus for a potential standards panel in this area vis-à-vis the standards, codes, and conformance programs needed to advance the nation’s energy efficiency agenda. If formed, the goal of the ANSI Energy Efficiency Standards Panel would be to develop a standardization roadmap that would define a coordinated U.S. approach to energy efficiency standardization activities and help foster innovation and advance the market for energy efficiency technologies.

ANSI standards panels have successfully championed standards-based solutions for key issues and technology areas, from electric vehicles and homeland security to healthcare information technology, nanotechnology, and identity theft protection.

To be held in the Washington, DC, metro area, registration is free and is open to all interested stakeholders, including industry, government, academia, professional societies, trade associations, standards developing organizations, and consumer representatives.

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