Apex reemerges as analog chip company

Apex reemerges as analog chip company

Business news |
By eeNews Europe

During its five-year, Cirrus Logic tenure, the Apex Precision Power business unit added precision voltage references to complement its existing power operational and pulse width modulation (PWM) amplifiers.

The company has more than 300 product models in its catalog of off-the-shelf component solutions.

The Apex Microtechnology brand has a long-standing reputation as an innovator in the design and manufacturing of high-power analog microelectronics that help customers work with the inherent electrical and thermal management issues of end-use circuitry requiring power levels of up to 50 A and 1200 V.

These devices are typically used to generate motion control, such as driving piezo electrical devices, and brush and brushless DC motors. Target application markets include high-reliability industrial, test and measurement, medical, aerospace and defense.

“As always, Apex will focus its resources on evolving the technical design expertise needed to keep the company poised as an industry innovator,” said Greg Brennan, president and chief executive officer.

Apex Microtechnology will continue design engineering and manufacturing operations at its headquarters 50,000 square-foot facility which includes a 20,000 square-foot Class 5 clean room. The company will retain more than 80 employees.

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