Automotive Ethernet conformance tests tool: TC8 ready

Automotive Ethernet conformance tests tool: TC8 ready

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By eeNews Europe

The tests are implemented so that their execution is primarily automated; this enables ideal integration into the development process. When automotive Ethernet is used, a variety of different communication protocols may be implemented, depending on the use case. To test their compatibility, the OPEN Alliance industry association has developed an extensive test specification with more than 850 test cases. The current Version 12.0 of CANoe with Option Ethernet contains these tests and allows their execution at any developer workstation. They enable users to detect problems in early development phases. The tests to be run are configured with the help of vTESTstudio to adapt them to project-specific requirements. For pure protocol tests, it is sufficient to use any Ethernet interface from Vector with IEEE-100BASE-T1 support. For tests of the physical transmission layer, the VT6306 card is available for the VT System. To increase the overall test’s degree of automation, the VT6306 can be combined with other VT modules, such as modules to control the ECU’s supply voltage.

Because the tests are standard features of the widely used tools CANoe and vTESTstudio, no special tools need to be procured. The developer gets an open system in which all test cases are available as source code. The tests can be executed without any special knowledge of the tools CANoe. Ethernet and vTESTstudio.

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