Bio-inspired perception systems reacts in real-time to colors, movements and objects structure
At last month’s Innorobo trade show in Lyon (France), the company exhibited the Binobot robot equipped with its BIPcam binocular vision. The BIPcam combines perception, understanding, and action commands, enabling Binobot to react in real-time to colors, movements and objects structure. Binobot has a large binocular vision identical to the Human vision range, with each eye linked to a BIPcam detecting luminosity, saturation and color hue. The latter incorporates a high sensibility VGA sensor in order to reach a good image quality in low light density environments. The robot reacts instantaneously to the speed and direction of a mobile object, tracking its movement and anticipating its trajectory. The Bio Inspired Perception Systems (BIPS) mimicks eye and brain physiology, claims Patrick Pirim, CEO of BVS who’s research work is at the core of the technology.
The BIPS is an adaptation of vision functions into electronic functions. The original technology of BVS differs from classical techniques of image processing by taking into account the perceptual aspects of the scene. It is processed in a generic way: on a whole (color elements), dynamically (direction and speed of pixels in motion) and structurally (oriented edges and curves). BIPS contains many statistical computations units that can collect all these informations which can then be combined to run advanced perception algorithms. BIPcam is linked to the robot with Ethernet and USB.2 ports or with a CAN interface to enable a high speed rate. It has its own RAM (64KB) and flash memory (512KB) and its energy consumption is very low at only 2.5 watts. The system runs on its own integrated ARM cortex M3 microprocessor (72MHz) and can be used to run other computing programs.
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