Bitcoin “End of Money as We Know It” documentary released

Bitcoin “End of Money as We Know It” documentary released

By eeNews Europe

The crowdfunded 60-minute documentary, called “Bitcoin: The End of Money As We Know It," discusses problems with current financial systems and how the cryptocurrency could ultimately prove to be a solution. The film includes interviews with prominent bitcoin entrepreneurs, investors, and authors, including Roger Ver and Andreas M. Antonopolous.

Professionally produced, the documentary has won several international awards, including two awards at FreedomFest and a 2015 Special Jury Prize at the Amsterdam Film Festival. It can be viewed on Vimeo, and, for those who wish to pay in bitcoin, it is available for unlocking at TheProtocol.TV.

The documentary’s tagline on its Vimeo page reads, "Whatever Bitcoin may be, most people do not yet understand what this controversial and influential innovation is about and how it works. This documentary answers these questions." For more, see its trailer (3:31) below:

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