BLDC MOSFET driver is ASIL certified
Its rugged output driver allows the device to be used in a wide range of applications, even with power requirements in excess of 1 kW. The AMT49105 also features a LIN transceiver, regulated power supply for the microprocessor, phase monitoring for sensorless control of brushless DC motors (BLDC motors), and other features that reduce overall power consumption in today’s efficient vehicles.
The AMT49105 is suitable for high performance inductive safety applications in automotive and industrial applications such as motor cooling fans, brakes and pumps with supply voltages ranging from 5.5 to 50V. Advanced diagnostics monitor and display system faults, internal faults and power bridge faults to ensure safe operation. The AMT49105 complies with ISO 26262 and ASIL B specifications.
The Allegro AMT49105 comes in a small 48-pin QFN package with Exposed Thermal Pad, which reduces board space by approximately 40% compared to the QFP package. The package is lead-free and has 100% matt tin-plated terminals.
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