Blue light boost for hollow optical fibres

Blue light boost for hollow optical fibres

Technology News |
By Nick Flaherty

The University of Bath’s Centre for Photonics and Photonic Materials (CPPM) is working with BT’s global research and development centre to boost the use of hollow-core optical fibre.

Researchers from BT will use the Centre’s optical fibre fabrication facility and photonics lab to develop a better understanding of potential applications of hollow-core optical fibres.

The project will look specifically at the interaction of light and rubidium vapour in the fibre cavity  and for low-loss transmission of blue light, which does not propagate efficiently through conventional optical fibre.

“This work provides an exciting challenge at the forefront of photonics,” said Dr Daniel Gilks, Senior Researcher, Breakthrough Hardware Prototyping and Amelia Lees, Network Physics at BT.

“This collaboration will be a part of ongoing work within BT’s Strategy and Research department to build a meaningful strategic relationship between BT and the University of Bath.”

“This is an exciting opportunity to work alongside researchers from BT to develop new hollow-core fibre and understand the impact that it might have in enhancing the performance of future communication networks. We’re looking forward to getting stuck into the project, fabricating fibre and commissioning a rubidium filling rig,2 said Dr Peter Mosley, senior lecturer from the Department of Physics at the University of Bath, will lead the project.

“We hope that this initial project will develop into an ongoing relationship between BT and the CPPM, enabling our expertise in specialty fibre to be brought to bear on a variety of challenges in communications,” he said.

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