Bluelight-free OLED lighting module starts shipping

Bluelight-free OLED lighting module starts shipping

Technology News |
By eeNews Europe

Blue light (Wavelength: 380-495 nanometers) is contained in both natural light and artificial light sources. Blue light has the highest energy among visible light, enough to reach the retina at almost full strength and can cause eye fatigue.  Receiving large amounts of blue light before bedtime can restrain the secretion of a hormone that controls sleep resulting in a reduction in sleep quality which can make it difficult for people to fall asleep and preventing deep sleep. In recent years, the usage time of personal computers and smartphones, which feature blue light sources, is becoming longer which means that people are exposing themselves to prolonged periods of blue light exposure.

The bluelight-less OLED lighting module does not use blue emitting materials in the OLED panel and the light from the panel contains a minimal portion of blue light (less than 1% of the amount in the 3000K-type OLED lighting module developed by MCC and Pioneer). The panel is a candle-color type module with a 1900K color temperature, which is suitable for storage lighting of light-sensitive items such as cultural heritage and paintings, as well for illumination of bedrooms and medical practices.

MCC and Pioneer started shipments of OLED lighting modules in 2012, and in 2014, started mass production of the OLED lighting module using a wet coating process for the light-emitting layer, which reduces manufacturing costs. The addition of the bluelight-less OLED lighting module – which is surface-emitting, thin and lightweight – opens up a wide range of potential applications.

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