Bluetooth IoT SW enables sub-meter location precision

Bluetooth IoT SW enables sub-meter location precision

New Products |
By Rich Pell

The new feature supports multiple methods for determining signal direction including angle-of-arrival (AoA) and angle-of-departure (AoD), and Silicon Labs’ implementation of the new Bluetooth feature enables detection of signal direction within 5 degrees. To date, Bluetooth asset tracking and indoor positioning solutions have typically provided location accuracy within a range of 3-4 meters.

With the Silicon Labs Bluetooth 5.1 solution, developers can create products that improve location accuracy down to the sub-1-metre level, opening the door to applications previously not possible.

Bluetooth 5.1 also helps developers reduce power consumption with sleep clock accuracy updates, improve smart home connection performance using GATT caching functionality and optimize beaconing for Bluetooth mesh in crowded RF environments with the advertisement channel index feature.

Silicon Labs –

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