BMW and Tesla look at car battery alliance
In an in interview published by the German newspaper Der Spiegel. "We are talking about whether we can collaborate in battery technology or charging stations," Musk told Der Spiegel.
Musk also described BMW’s production of carbon fibre reinforced car body parts as "interesting" and "relatively cost efficient."
BMW uses carbon fibres from its joint venture with materials supplier SGL to make reinforced passenger cell parts for the company’s i3 electric hatchback and i8 plug-in hybrid sports car.
During the summer BMW and Tesla executives had met to discuss the creation of charging stations usable for different types of electric cars.
Las t month Daimler, owner of the Mercedes brand, said the company was continuing to collaborate with Tesla even after selling its remaining four percent stake in the U.S. electric carmaker. Tesla has also worked with Toyota on electric SUV projects.
Musk also told Der Spiegel that he expects Tesla to have a battery production plant in Germany in five to six years.
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