Bosch teams for 18V smart ‘e-stroller’

Bosch teams for 18V smart ‘e-stroller’

Technology News |
By Nick Flaherty

A smart ‘e-stroller’ being developed by Bosch and Swedish baby stroller maker Emmaljunga using an 18V battery system is planned for launch in 2020.

The e-stroller will have twin electric motors powered by the same 18V lithium ion batteries in its powertools to provide motion and automatic braking. The e-stroller will be controlled via a smartphone app, and the powerpack can be used to charge the phone. 

“The e-stroller system incorporates know-how from across the company. We’ve applied the same rigorous technology and quality standards here as we do in the automotive sector, including wind tunnel tests,” said Dr. Stefan Hartung, member of the board of management and chairman of the Mobility Solutions business sector. The variable Bosch system is equally suitable for single, twin, or sibling strollers and the company plans to work with other manufacturers as well.

The drive unit comprises two low-noise electric motors on the rear axle along with a Bluetooth module and a smart sensor system. The sensors measure the e-stroller’s speed and acceleration while assessing the road surface it is moving over. On an uphill path, the motors automatically help push the stroller, as they do on an e-bike. When on a downhill slope, they provide braking. If the parents let go of the stroller, the motor brake prevents it from rolling away unchecked, and an electromechanical lock engages the parking brake.

The system’s steering support also brings clear benefits when pushing with just one hand. Among other things, this makes bends easier to manage. What’s more, the drive system helps keep the stroller on course when on a laterally sloping path. After all, parents often push a stroller with one hand, for instance when holding their child’s older sibling with the other hand.

The battery takes two and a half hours to charge and gives a range of up to 15 kilometers, depending on the level of assistance selected and the weight of the stroller. 

Next: The e-stroller app

Users can choose from three levels of electric assistance using the Android and iOS app, and this also displays the charge level of the detachable battery and warns users in good time that power is running out. The app can be used to activate the alarm function, too, for instance when parents leave the stroller parked outside a café. Provided a Bluetooth connection has been established with a parent’s smartphone, a warning will appear if anyone tries to push the stroller away. In addition, an alarm will sound from the stroller’s integrated loudspeaker and the parking brake will automatically reengage.

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