Building a LoRa-based M2M and IoT infrastructure

Building a LoRa-based M2M and IoT infrastructure

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The product family is based on the low power, open source CALAO Systems platforms, proposing Telecom Carrier grade LoRaWAN base station with Class A, Class B and class C capability, superior facilities management with software framework and modular multiple access (Cellular 3G, 4G, WIFI, Ethernet, USB, or other technologies), and uncompromised industrial quality with active POE, extended temperature range and ruggedized design.
It includes Remora that allows users to add the Lora technology through an USB interface; ToTi-LoRa-pico, a Pico base station for low cost indoor operation; ToTi-LoRa a base station for low investment outdoor operation; Zandoli-LoRa, a base station designed for extreme outdoor operation, extreme network density and world class security; and Manta LoRa project, a LoRaWAN server with integrated base station.

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