C++ development platform adds close integration with Freescale software

C++ development platform adds close integration with Freescale software

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By eeNews Europe

Already able to run as an Eclipse plug-in within Atollic TrueSTUDIO, the Freescale Processor Expert software configuration tool lets you design custom peripheral drivers for Freescale’s Kinetis family of microcontrollers. A TrueSTUDIO workspace can automatically detect, configure and update projects, should a Processor Expert configuration change. This much tighter level of integration removes the burden on developers of having to change or set key target and build parameters, source and #include folder paths. Developers can get started with Kinetis-based design much more quickly and work more efficiently, Atollic says.

Now providing support for almost 2,500 ARM-based devices and out-of-the-box support for over 160 evaluation / development boards, Atollic TrueSTUDIO v5.2 adds coverage for; Freescale Kinetis KLx7Z, K11D, K21D and K24 devices; NXP LPC11E6 and LPC11U6 series; Renesas R-IN32M3 series; and the STM32F09 and STM3232F411 families from STMicroelectronics.

Atollic TrueSTUDIO v5.2 also provides support for Freescale’s MQX RTOS debug solution. Available as a free Eclipse plug-in from Freescale’s website, embedded developers can benefit from kernel-aware debug support during a TrueSTUDIO debug session. Features also allow inspection of the state of MQX RTOS objects through a variety of debugger views such as by task, semaphore or message queue.

Atollic TrueSTUDIO is a development and debugging tool that offers a state-of-the-art editor, an optimising C/C++ compiler and a multiprocessor- and multicore-aware debugger with real-time tracing. The tool suite offers advanced features including ARM build and debug tools and Serial Wire Viewer (SWV) event and data tracing. There are also features for embedded trace macrocell (ETM) instruction tracing together with Cortex-M crash analysis. Also available to ARM developers are Atollic’s professional code-quality analysis toolbox, including a MISRA-C coding standards compliance checker, code complexity analysis and gathering of other code metrics.


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