C-programmable autonomous mobile robot system at a low cost

C-programmable autonomous mobile robot system at a low cost

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By eeNews Europe

Because it is programmable in C, the RP6v2 has many possibilities for expansion as the user’s programming skills grow. The RP6v2 is suitable for educational curriculum at universities, trade schools, high schools and of course hobby users. With an extensive manual, lots of example programs, and a huge C function library, programming is easy and users can instantly start experimenting with their robot. All library and example programs are open source (GNU GPL).

The RP6v2 features an ATMEGA32 8-bit RISC microcontroller with 8 MIPS and 8MHz clock. It is delivered fully assembled with a software CD, a 138 page manual, and many extras. AVR-GCC and RobotLoader open source software are provided for use with Windows and Linux. The robot has a USB interface for communication and accepts expansion boards through a I2C bus expansion system. The vehicle already integrates light, collision, speed and IR-obstacle sensors. It runs with two 7.2V DC motors.

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