Carrier class Wi-Fi services come to the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships

Carrier class Wi-Fi services come to the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships

Business news |
By eeNews Europe

Aptilo carrier-class Wi-Fi services give Telia the edge in bringing seamless, secure Wi-Fi services to the Lugnet Ski Arena and throughout the city of Falun. More than 200,000 visitors, journalists and skiers are expected to attend the Championships. The company’s robust platform is purpose-built to manage the high volume traffic anticipated for an event of this magnitude. Specifically for FIS, this can mean 30,000+ users on the network at one time.

With Aptilo’s SIM Authentication, TeliaSonera subscribers can quickly gain access to the Telia Wi-Fi service through automatic login. The Wi-Fi is also available through a one-time-registration at a web portal. The carrier Wi-Fi system will complement the operator’s cellular network at the stadium to ensure the best user experience.

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