Carrier-grade platforms target demanding telecoms applications
There was a time when a product differentiated itself at the hardware level and cost, integration and performance prompted people to take ‘Best of Breed’ COTS components and build their own systems. Today differentiation comes primarily from the application and customers want to concentrate on their core application development without having to worry about how to implement a highly available, scalable, high performance solution.
The range of cost-effective 2, 6 and 12 slot Application Ready Platforms delivers the industry’s lowest cost per slot. By uniquely compressing the dual switch and shelf managers into a small combined module the 6 slot chassis offers 6 payload slots rather than the traditional 4. This means 50% more revenue generating slots than other comparable platforms. With a smaller footprint than comparable systems they are also greener, more energy efficient,
The Adax Application Ready Platform integrates the industry leading Ethernet switch technology from ZNYX that goes far beyond simple Ethernet switch management. Using familiar, industry-standard Linux interfaces the field proven OpenArchitect® provides Linux-enabled flexibility in management protocols, configuration, load balancing and high-availability features. Continuous “five nines” operation is an absolute requirement in most networks and instead of convergence in seconds or minutes as is typical for STP/RSTP failover schemes, OpenArchitect/HA can fail-over in milliseconds, often faster than the dual-SONET standard of 50 milliseconds.