CEVA and Cellguide partner on software-based GPS

CEVA and Cellguide partner on software-based GPS

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By eeNews Europe

CEVA-XC is a high-performance, scalable, low-power communication DSP designed specifically to overcome the stringent power consumption, time-to-market and cost constraints associated with developing high-performance Software Defined Radio multimode solutions. It supports multiple air interfaces for various applications such as multimode cellular baseband, connectivity, digital broadcast and smart grid. The software-defined nature of the processor enables it to easily perform the intensive GPS computations, completely in software, eliminating the need for dedicated GPS baseband hardware within any CEVA-XC based SoC design. CellGuide’s GPS/GLONASS software is specifically architected for integration into mobile processors and can run concurrently with other air interfaces allowing true SDR modem design.

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