“Coil on Module” card package builds secure, robust electronic documents

“Coil on Module” card package builds secure, robust electronic documents

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By eeNews Europe

The technology simplifies and improves manufacturing of cards with both contact-based as well as contactless interface. Holders of these Dual Interface cards are able to use existing infrastructure as well as new and convenient contactless applications. The Dual Interface CoM package technology co-exists with a wired card antenna. It can be fully integrated in the card material made of robust polycarbonate which is a prerequisite for producing highly secure official documents with particularly long validity.

Dual Interface cards build a bridge between the contact-based card applications primarily used today and emerging mobile solutions. Infineon quotes market analyst IHSas saying that the number of Dual Interface cards for government and healthcare will grow between 2013 and 2019 by 22% per year compared to an increase of only 14.3% for purely contactless cards.

“Our ‘Coil on Module’ technology has already been well established in the payment market. We now also simplify and improve the production of long-lasting and highly secure official documents,” says Stefan Hofschen, Head of the Chip Card & Security Division of Infineon Technologies.

Infineon uses an RF link rather than the more common mechanical-electrical connection between chip module and card antenna. This allows omitting the elaborate process of interconnecting the chip module to the card antenna during card production.

The Dual Interface cards also become more robust as there is no connection between the chip module and the card antenna, which might be damaged through mechanical stress; more secure, as the chip module is approximately one-fifth slimmer than common modules, so that additional security features (security layers) can be integrated in the card; and highly durable thanks to the use of superior materials.

Chip and module with integrated antenna are pre-adjusted and do not require additional tuning by the card manufacturer. The ‘CoM’ chip module and the card antenna can be integrated immediately in the card. Tests prove moreover that they are resistant to stress for up to ten years.


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