Compression-mount connectors target high-speed digital test to 50 GHz
The unique vertical PCB launch configuration has a smaller footprint and can be mounted anywhere on the PCB for increased density. Additionally, the compression-mount design eliminates soldering, resulting in reduced installation time.
The compression-mount design uses two 0-80 UNF screws so that the receptacle can be mounted directly to the PCB. It also can accommodate a wide range of board thicknesses including 0.57- to 2.79-mm and provides a continuous ground connection between the connector and PCB. The connectors mate to 2.4-mm male (plug) connectors, which are available on the customer’s test equipment cable end.
The integrated center pin design allows 1.2:1 VSWR at 50 GHz and provides low reflections for accurate measurements. Additionally, the stainless steel body can withstand over 500 mating cycles.