Coplanarity check for electronic components
With the ChipControl command set a system has been developed, which can be integrated into the production process and which measures the coplanarity with high accuracy. Of course by using cameras with higher resolution, such as e.g. the EyeSpector smart cameras, the accuracy can be increased even further. Additionally to the ChipControl command set the user also has the complete EyeVision software commands at his disposal. Therewith it is also possible – besides the measurement of the coplanarity – to detect the imprint on the Chip and determine the quality of the imprint. This novel design allows thereby the realisation of coplanarity measurement and optical character recognition with only one camera. For different component shapes, such as THT, SMD, QFT, SOT, BGA, SOIC, SOP, TSOP, TSSOP, the ChipControl command set is equipped perfectly and with the drag-and-drop programming function of the software the configuration can be carried out fast and easy. The graphical commands for the different applications allow users to set parameters and the inspection program is ready for operation in only a few mouse clicks.
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