Crocus senses flex in flexible displays

Crocus senses flex in flexible displays

Technology News |
By eeNews Europe

It is expected that wearable devices, curved panel displays, flexible solar panels and mobile phones will integrate flexible, even rollable, surfaces and if the position and shape of the display or surface can be tracked system integrators can use software to perform such functions as changing display size or correcting distorted images.

Crocus MLU technology implements both memory and logic functions and allows the thermally-assisted switching MRAM technology to be implemented as an amplifier and magnetic sensor and provide high sensitivity and directionality. This means that only relatively few sensors and magnets need be integrated into a backing foil for the display, making the solution cost effective.

Magnets and MLU sensors in foil for flexible display. Source: Crocus Technology.

The sensors also exhibit temperature tolerance up to 250 degrees C, making them suitable for a wide range of consumer and industrial applications.

In the 20cm by 20cm prototype Crocus has embedded about 15 magnets and 15 MLU sensors. The assembly draws less than 10mA of current during a sensing cycle that lasts about 1ms.

Although the distances between the sensors and display remain more or less constant under flexing or rolling, the angle between them does not. "The tiny magnets are magnetized in an orthogonal way, the sensor detect the deviation in angle, positive or negative," said Bertrand Cambou, executive chairman and CEO of Crocus Technology. "Crocus has created a new IP based on magnetic sensors for flexible surface position detection. This enables equipment makers to gain in the added performance of flexible shape devices, while reducing costs."

Founded in 2004, Crocus Technology operations in Santa Clara, California, and Grenoble and Rousset, France. It jointly owns Crocus Nano Electronics, a Russian-based advanced magnetic semiconductor manufacturing facility, with investment firm Rusnano.

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