CST Studio Suite version 2011 for real world EMC analysis
The tool’s general purpose electromagnetic solvers, in the time and frequency domains, can provide sensitivity information for an arbitrary number of parameters in just one simulation run. The newly implemented trust region framework in CST Studio Suite 2011 can employ the sensitivity information to cut down optimization time dramatically.
Yield analysis for complex three dimensional models is now available at virtually no additional computational cost, says the manufacturer. High performance computing options are now also available for the frequency domain and the integral equation solver. The CST MWS TLM solver (CST Microstripes) and CST Cable Studio (CST CS) support "real world" EMC analysis including coupled simulations which enable large system analysis and installed performance studies.
In pre-processing, the definition of compact equivalent aperture models and cable harnesses will be performed in CST’s familiar design environment. Coupling between the electromagnetic field and cable solvers is further enhanced to enable direct transient simulation of susceptibility problems in systems containing complex cable bundles, including shielded twisted pair circuits.
Based on one single simulation model, the simulation task concept facilitates optimization, considering electromagnetic, thermal and mechanical designs. The temperature calculated from the electromagnetic losses can be used to change the material parameters automatically for a consecutive electromagnetic field simulation. CST MPhysics Studio now also features a thermal solver on tetrahedral grids. The tool suite integrates well into the Cadence RF-SiP design flow.
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