Cypress releases new production-ready ‘Virtual Chips’  for PSoC Creator 2.2 IDE

Cypress releases new production-ready ‘Virtual Chips’ for PSoC Creator 2.2 IDE

Technology News |
By eeNews Europe

The Component Pack 6 update includes four new PSoC Components – re-verified ‘virtual chips’ represented by an icon – that users can drag-and-drop into a design and configure to suit a broad array of application requirements.  Applying PSoC’s hardware programmability, the update delivers new peripheral functions to existing PSoC devices, speeding time-to-market while adding differentiation to end-products.

Component Pack 6 adds the following new capabilities for PSoC customers:
Software Transmit UART: Provides a simple transmit Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter that does not consume hardware digital resources.
Emulated EEPROM: Simplifies access to non-volatile memory, preserving data without having to add dedicated Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory to a product’s bill of materials.
Segment/Matrix LED Driver: Enables fast prototyping of displays.
SC/CT Comparator: Enables Switched-Capacitor/Continuous-Time hardware blocks to be used as comparators.

PSoC Creator is more than an IDE. In addition to a robust compiler and programmer, it allows users to configure PSoC programmable hardware into a custom one-chip solution. The IDE includes a rich library of more than 100 pre-verified, production-ready analog and digital PSoC Components.

Developers can download Component Pack 6 and PSoC Creator 2.2 free of charge at

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