D68000 IP Core with Linux, MAC & debugger

D68000 IP Core with Linux, MAC & debugger

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By eeNews Europe

The BOA application is used as an HTTP server and effective communication could be established through an FTP protocol. uCLinux is a MMU‐less derivative of the Linux OS adopted for embedded solutions. It provides all of the Linux benefits including superior stability, Common Linux Kernel API, multitasking, full featured TCP/IP networking, Virtual File System and reduces the amount of memory needed by its kernel and running applications (it uses just 400kB). To make implementation process even easier DCD’s solution is delivered with a fully automated test-bench and a complete set of tests, which allow easy package validation at each stage of SoC design flow.

This new IP Core from DCD is a technology independent solution, which can be implemented in either ASIC or Altera, Lattice or Xilinx technology. The D68000 is binary-compatible with m68k family of microprocessors, but DCD’s D68000 has a 16-bit data bus and a 24-bit address data bus. Its code is compatible with the MC68008, upward code compatible with the MC68010 virtual extensions and the MC68020 32-bit implementation of the architecture. The difference lies in improved instructions set, which allows to execute a program with a higher performance, than the standard 68000 core can offer. MULS, MULU take just 28 clock periods, the same as DIVS, DIVU. Optimized shifts and rotations, combined with shorter effective address calculation time and removed idle cycles make this IP Core much more power efficient.

More information about the D68000 at

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