Data logger for electric vehicle charging

Data logger for electric vehicle charging

New Products |
By Nick Flaherty

The EV CHARGE-MONITOR is installed between the charge station and the electric or hybrid vehicle and alllows users to see, evaluate and to validate the charging process regardless of how the charger is connected to the electricity grid. The EV CHARGE-MONITOR can be used for charging testing and validation, vehicle emissions certification, winter testing and other monitoring applications.

The measuring unit is installed between charge station and vehicle or between the mains and the charging station for (PH)EV certification. The unit has several connection options, ranging from CEE32/125 for 1- or 3-phase mains measurements, Mennekes (Type 1/2/GB/T) for 1- or 3-phase measurement, CHAdeMO and GB/T for DC measurement and CCS/Combo 1 and 2 for combined AC and DC measurements

The measured values of voltage and current are calculated from the effective voltage and current of each phase, cos φ / ʎ, real power and the electrical work and total power and total work.

The data can be saved on a USB drive to make the handling of the EV CHARGE-MONITOR much easier for the user. A separate CAN channel for each phase and for the calculated values can be configured as desired, as well as many other measuring parameters like sampling rate, external mean, output rate of the calculated power values.

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